
To accomplish this it is necessary to learn something about the personalities of transvestites. Since we can not call you all together for a big exam- ination session, the only alternative is to try to gather information by means of psychological tests administered by mail. Thus as the work progresses I shall be mailing out somewhere between 8 and 12 tests to the readers of TRANSVESTIA. These will take between 15 mins. and an hour and a half to do. I realize that this is an imposition on your time and you are all busy like I am. However, I feel that all of us wish that society knew more about us and someone in a professional and academic position has to do the definitive work on the subject. I've gotten that started. I hope you will do your part by taking and returning these tests. We can probably be ready to start mailings within a month

It would be of help to us in our plans if we had an idea of the number of responses we could de- pend on. So if you are willing to take the series of tests and do your bit to get something scientific accomplished in this field I would appreciate your stating your willingness with your name and code num- ber, if any, on a 3 x 5 card and mailing it to me. Please don't just say you will in a letter. I don't keep letters and the information is liable to be lost in the body of the letter anyway. The card I can put in a file. In order to get results that have any significance it is necessary to have over 200 in the series. So I sincerely ask each of you to inform me of your willingness and then to fill out the tests and return them promptly when completed. The ultimate results will be made available to you through this magazine.

The tests themselves are nothing to be concerned about. They are just pencil and paper tests that can be done without spending too much time. But they will help us to determine whether TVs differ in any significant ways from the population at large on which the tests were standardized. Please help,

thank you.
